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CineStill Film 400 Dynamic Color Negative Film (120 Roll Film)


  • Daylight-Balanced Color Negative Film
  • ISO 400/27° in Standard Process
  • Naturally Saturated Colors
  • Wide Dynamic Range

Availability: In stock

CineStill Film 400 Dynamic Color Negative Film (120 Roll Film) Overview

CineStill Film 400 Dynamic Color Negative Film is a high-speed color negative film offering a soft color palette with naturally saturated colors and warm skin tones. The film has a wide dynamic range with a nominal sensitivity of ISO 400/27°. It can also be rated from ISO 200 to 800 and can be pushed up to ISO 3200. This makes the film highly versatile and allows you to use the film either outdoors or in the studio.

This is one roll of 120 format film.

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